Digital Literacy Curriculum

Digital Literacy Curriculum

Welcome to the Microsoft Digital Literacy Curriculum. The goal of Digital Literacy is to teach and assess basic computer concepts and skills so that people can use computer technology in everyday life to develop new social and economic opportunities for themselves, their families, and their communities. Whether you are entirely new to computing or have…

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Welcome to the Microsoft Digital Literacy Curriculum. The goal of Digital Literacy is to teach and assess basic computer concepts and skills so that people can use computer technology in everyday life to develop new social and economic opportunities for themselves, their families, and their communities. Whether you are entirely new to computing or have some experience, this curriculum will help you develop a fundamental understanding of computers. From using the Internet, to sending e-mail, to creating a résumé, the Digital Literacy Curriculum helps you develop the essential skills you need to begin computing with confidence.

The Microsoft Digital Literacy curriculum now has three levels:

TheBasic curriculum features a course called A First Course Toward Digital Literacy. This course teaches absolute beginners to computing about what a valuable tool computers can be in society today, and the basics of using the mouse and the keyboard. The interactive, hands-on lessons will help novices feel comfortable manipulating the mouse and typing on the keyboard.

There are two versions of the Microsoft Digital Literacy Standard curriculum. The primary difference between the versions is that the examples and screen shots in the original curriculum feature Microsoft Office 2003 and Microsoft Windows XP, while Version 2 of the Digital Literacy Curriculum offers examples and screen shots from Microsoft Office 2007 and Microsoft Windows Vista. While there are minor changes to the content coverage between versions, the overall course objectives remain the same.

The Advanced curriculum features several courses that expand on what learners mastered in the Standard curriculum. These courses explore core topics like writing a resume, social networking, creating an internet e-mail account, and searching the internet.

The Standard Digital Literacy curriculum is currently available in over 30 languages. The Basic and Advanced courses are in development and will be available in other languages in the near future. This page will be updated when other languages are available.

Use the menu below to see the Digital Literacy Curriculum offers available in your preferred language. After you select a language, click “go”, and the offers available will appear in a new dropdown box. Select an offer, and click “go”, and you will be taken to the appropriate curriculum page.


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